Donate to RGSL

Use this button if you wish to make a single donation

Donate Now

Donations are always welcome, and all monies raised go towards the caring for and homing of the dogs here at the centre. RGSL is run by volunteers and has no paid staff.

When making a donation can you please let us know if you are eligible for ‘Gift Aid’. If you are unsure what ‘Gift Aid’ is there is an explanation at the bottom of this page.
Monthly donations can be set up as a standing order straight into our bank by clicking here, or by making a monthly donation using the form below

You can cancel either of these at any time.

PURCHASING  RAFFLE  TICKETS online  (Minimum order £5.00 — 5 x £1 tickets per book )     I you wish  to buy tickets for our Annual Raffle being drawn on the 11th December 2021 ,  please  use the  ‘Donate to RGSL’  button.     When asked why you would like to donate, please write in that section it’s for an ‘x’ number of raffle tickets (minimum purchase 5) .  We will then write your name and telephone number on the stubs ready for the draw, and post your sections back to you. If you can sell some tickets for us that would be wonderful.  Please contact us to let us know how many books and we’ll send you them.  When they are sold send us the stubs and money back in time for the draw on the 11th December 2021

Gift Aid

Ticking the Gift Aid box allows RGSL to receive an extra 25p from the Government for every £1 you donate.

All you need to do is check you are eligible and and tick the box to allow us to claim Gift Aid on your donation.

For your donations to be eligible for gift aid; you just need to have paid enough tax to cover your donation. To be eligible you need to pay tax equal to or more than the total value of donations you make to charities in that year.

I’m unsure whether I’m eligible to Gift Aid

Taking the time to check if you can Gift Aid will make a big difference to those you are donating to. If you’re retired, on a limited income or in receipt of benefits and unsure of your eligibility, click here for help or contact us and we will help if we can.

You can also Gift Aid some, if not all of your donations, so you will be doing 25% more to help a cause you care about with a single pen stroke (or mouse click!).

Make a Gift Aid declaration

You can make a lasting gift aid declaration using the donate button and ticking the register me for gift aid box. If at a later date your donations are no longer eligible for gift aid please let us know.

To make a Gift Aid declaration or find out if you have one email us or call us on 01539552394

Take the opportunity to choose how your money is used, every last penny. Thank you.